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What kind of track link.s can I use on Groover?
What kind of track link.s can I use on Groover?

Ultimate guide to sharing your track link effectively on Groover ✨

Dorian avatar
Written by Dorian
Updated over a month ago

In this article, we tell you all our tips to ensure that you share your track link on Groover in the best conditions possible, whether your track is already released or not. If you have peculiar issues with the link of your track, you should have a look at the 2nd part of this article.

You can indicate two different links for your track:

  • The YouTube, Audiomack, or SoundCloud Link can include video, or be audio-only. We require this link, as these platforms are the only ones that both allow free access to the track (without a subscription requirement) and include an embeddable player.

  • The Spotify Link is optional, but you are advised to add it if it's available, especially if you are contacting Spotify playlisters.

🤔 If my track is not out yet, what do I do? 🤔

If you track isn't live yet, no worries, you can use:

  • An unlisted YouTube link [important: check that your video is embeddable - more details below ⬇️]

  • A private Audiomack link - more details below ⬇️

  • A private SoundCloud link [important: please use a shareable link with the code called 'token'. You can access it by clicking on 'share' under the SoundCloud player on the SoundCloud platform - more details below ⬇️]

👉 Don't forget to indicate the release date! That way, if the date is in the future, the curator/pro will be warned that your track is not released yet and so that it cannot be shared.

👉 If you wish to get advice on a pre-mix or demo, you can select the 'Demo' option while you add your track information so that curators/pros know that you consider your work unfinished.

⚙️ Problem solving for most issues with track links on Groover ⚙️

Sometimes, the Soundcloud or Youtube link that you add to Groover is not displayed correctly in your Dashboard, or it cannot be read, or you get an error message. Most of the time, adjusting a few settings can fix this issue instantly. This how to do it!

Before everything...

Start by checking out:

  1. That you're adding a Soundcloud or Youtube link. We don't accept other types of links for now. Regarding the optional Spotify link field, you need to add a... Spotify link. Please note that you can totally leave this second field empty.

  2. That you're adding a link to a single track and not to an album or playlist. You'll get an error message otherwise. Indeed, you may only send one track at the time by campaign on Groover. If you wish to provide the influencers with a link to your EP/LP, don't hesitate to add it to your Track Details or to your Profile.

⚠️ Tip : if your SoundCloud link looks like this: it may not work correctly on Groover. You can erase the part after the interrogation point ("?"), keep only and it will work out!

⚠️Tip 2 : choose a SoundCloud link and not a SoundCloud Go+ link. Indeed, your track needs to be uploaded on the publicly free access platform, whether its status is public or private [more info below ⬇️] . If not, the influencers will only be able to listen to the first 30 seconds of your track, that would be a shame... 

1. Soundcloud link : generate a shareable private link

A music influencer tells you that he cannot read your Soundcloud link? The most frequent explanation is that you've added a private link without making it shareable.

Indeed, Soundcloud private links can only be played by you. In order for them to be played by other users, you need to make them shareable. To do so, get on Soundcloud and the link to your song. Click on Share under the player.

Then, copy-paste the Private Sharing link. It's that particular link that you need to use on Groover.

You realized it after your sending?

Please contact us using the chat icon in the lower-right corner of the screen and send us the name of your track with the correct shareable link. We can swap them rapidly!

2. Youtube Link : allow integration

An influencer tells you that he can't read your Youtube video on Groover? First of all, check that your link is public or unlisted [a private link cannot be read by anybody else than you]

In most cases, you may have - willingly or not - prevented the integration of your video on other platforms than Youtube. To Allow integration again, this is how you may proceed :

  1. Click on the video in question (to modify it)

  2. Go to "Advanced parameters"

  3. Then down to "Additional options" and tick "Allow integration"

And that's it! Your video is now perfectly visible on Groover ✨

3. Spotify Link: add the right link to your track

If your Spotify link doesn't work on Groover, you can check if it has this format:

To find your track link on Spotify, you need to click on the "..." on the right side of the title of the track, then on "Share", then on "Copy Song Link".

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