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Is feedback really provided by the curators and pros?

Groover ensures authentic playlists, media, labels & quality feedback

Dorian avatar
Written by Dorian
Updated over a month ago

The curator validation process

Each media outlet, record label or professional on Groover has to get through a control process which includes a phone call and/or a meeting in real.

We check in details who the music influencers are and we only allow them on the platform under certain conditions:

  • Influence & activity : are they active and/or do they have a significant audience? 

  • The quality of the content : written features, playlists, rosters...

  • Diversity in the music genres to allow all artists to find music influencers that may be interested in their music

  • Approval of the Influencer Guide, which indicates how to give high quality feedback

FYI, we currently refuse over 50% of the applications to become a music influencer on Groover.

Feedback quality control

We control the quality of the feedback given as best as possible by technological and human means. We especially have a very strict policy regarding copy-pasted answers. If you notice such behavior or especially low quality feedback given to you, you can contact us at or use the chat feature in the bottom right corner to warn us.

We do not hesitate to deactivate the accounts of music influencers who do not play by the rules. 

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